Hello, my name is Iman Prabawa. I'm a native Indonesian speaker. I was born in Pekalongan, Central Java, but I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia, and have lived there for over 25 years. This blog is dedicated to people who want to learn bahasa Indonesia.
Hi, I'm Iman Prabawa a.k.a Pak Guru Iman. Welcome to my blog. |
I made this blog with examples from movies, YouTube videos, comics, and other sources so that you can better understand the Indonesian language. With something you can see for yourself, it would be easier to grasp the idea and meaning of the words and phrases because it has context.
In this blog, I present the Indonesian language used by Indonesians in our daily lives, not just a bunch of formal text in the textbook that we rarely use in everyday conversations.
For those of you who want to learn about Indonesian from movies, I recommend you watch a TV Series called Tetangga Masa Gitu? You can watch one of the episodes
HERE. Why do I recommend this movie? Because this movie uses the language you can use in many parts of Indonesia. While many movies are made in Jakarta, many movies represent the language style that is used in Jakarta. For example, like the words [gue] and [loe], which are extensively used in Jakarta and its surrounding cities like Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, you won't hear this [gue] [loe] being spoken if you are in Jogjakarta or in Batam for example.
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Thank you very much. I hope that you will find my blog helpful in your journey of learning the Indonesian language.
Saya dari Filipina. Sudah lama mencari website yang seperti ini. I tried James Neil Sneddon's Jakartan Indonesian Colloquial Language, but I couldn't comprehend the explanations in his book. It just made more confused, although I'd still use it for additional reference. But if I may request, I can't seem to grasp the use of particles, "tuh" and "nih", can you provide explanations or did you already write an article about them. I tried looking it up on your blog, but I didn't find any article/post specific for them.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can provide a clear explanation on how to use them.
Terima kasih banyak-banyak untuk menjelaskan banyak bahasa gaul Indonesia dengan baik-baik yang membingungkan!
I haven't made articles about [tuh] and [nih] because I usually make articles based on what I find when I watch movies. When you watch movies, you can not decide to choose specific words or phrases from movies because it can be that they do not exist in the conversation. So, I have to watch the entire movie, write down words that I find being spoken in that movie, and make articles about those words. If I find those two words [tuh] and [nih], Insha Allah, I will make the articles.
DeleteI need those examples so that everyone can really see for themselves that Indonesians are really speaking the words. That's why I can't speed up the process. I can just make articles based on what I know, but I can't give real examples because I haven't found any examples to give.
[Tuh] actually is an informal for [itu] = that. The difference between [itu] and [tuh] is that [tuh] gives more emphasis, but actually, the meaning is the same, according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.
You can use [tuh] for example:
Example 1.
A: Loe liat buku gue ngga? (Have you seen my book?)
B: Tuh, di sana! (That one. Right there!) <--- you can also say, "Itu, di sana!
Example 2.
A: Buku gue ketinggalan euy! (I forgot my book!)
B: Tuh kan! Gue bilang juga apa? Dicatet makanya biar ngga lupa! (See? What did I tell you to do? You need to write it down so you won't forget!) <--- you can also say this, "Itu kan! Gue bilang juga apa? Dicatet makanya biar ngga lupa!" but this "Itu kan!" Indonesians never say this. They usually only say the first one, "Tuh kan!" or without pronouncing the letter [h], "Tu kan!" or just say, "Kan!"
Example 3.
A: Itu kamar ngga loe beresin dulu sebelum kita pergi? (Don't you want to tidy up your room before we leave?)
B: Ngga usah, biarin aja. (Nope, no need to. Just leave it as is.)
A: Nah, kaya gitu itu tuh yang gue ngga bisa. Ninggalin kamar dalam keadaan berantakan. (That, that one, I can never do! Leave the room in a mess.)
[Tuh] in here is just to emphasize the word [itu]. You can actually just say it like this, "Nah, kaya gitu itu yang gue ngga bisa." But, in conversation, Indonesians say with the added word [tuh] after [itu]. It doesn't add to the meaning but just to emphasize.
[Nih] is informal for [ini] = this. The meaning is the same, according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.
You can use [nih] for example:
Example 1.
A: Nih! Buat loe. (Here! For you.)
B: Apaan nih? Tapi, makasih ya. (What's this? But, thank you anyway.)
Instead of saying [nih], you can also say, "Ini! Buat loe." And you can also say this, "Apaan ini?" instead of, "Apaan nih?"
Example 2.
A: Eh, jadi berangkat ngga? (Are we going to leave or not?)
B: Males ah! Gue mau tidur aja. (I don't feel like going. I just want to go to sleep.)
A: Yang kek gini ini nih, yang gue ngga suka dari loe. Bilang berangkat tapi ntar taunya ngga jadi. (What the hell, man? This is what I don't like about you. You said we were going to leave, but now you cancel it.)
[Yang kek gini ini nih] <--- You can just omit [nih] and say this, "Yang kek gini ini," so maybe you would think, "So, why add [nih] there?" Actually, I don't know! Hahaha, but Indonesians do say this. [Nih] in there is just to emphasize the word [ini] and to give more emotions to the sentence.
So, I guess this is my explanation about [tuh] and [nih]. I hope you can understand it. Thank you very much.
Wow, many thanks for the thorough explanation! God bless!