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Iman Prabawa
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Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [seuprit] in Indonesian. As always, we are also going to be looking at examples from videos, articles, comics, movies, and whatnot where Indonesians use the word [seuprit].
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So, let's dive right in.
Seuprit In Indonesian
[Seuprit] means something that is very small or a very small amount of something.
Example sentence:
1. Ngenes! 7 momen netizen pesan makanan online, tapi dapatnya 'seuprit.' (What a shame! 7 moments when netizens ordered food online, but they only got a very small amount.)
2. 'Seuprit, harga selangit.' Harga tas mewah Syahrini ini bikin netizen sesak napas, padahal ukurannya tak seberapa. ('Small, but very pricey." Syahrini's luxury bag's price surprised netizens because the bag's size was so small.)
The size of the bag is small, but the price is very high. [Seuprit] here refers to the size of the bag that is considered small by netizens.
3. Seuprit potret keluarga idaman dalam Al-Quran. (A little portrait of the ideal family in the Koran.)
[Seuprit] here has the same meaning as [sedikit] or a little, so you can replace the word [seuprit] in this headline with the word [sedikit].
How to Pronounce Seuprit
Here is how you pronounce [seuprit] in bahasa Indonesia.
Moving on, let's watch examples from videos and movies where Indonesians use the word [seuprit].
Examples of Seuprit In Use
The first example we are about to watch is taken from CNBC's YouTube channel. You can watch the full video here.
Let's watch the clip below.
Below is what the news anchor says in the clip above with English translations.
Pembawa Berita: Saya akan coba rangkum untuk Anda, ini, berapa angka UMP tertinggi dan terendah dari setiap provinsi dan prediksi inflasi ke depannya. Apakah UMP yang naiknya menurut para buruh ini seuprit sanggup mengejar biaya hidup yang baru dirilis BPS. Atau bisa jadi malah makin ngos-ngosan nih? Simak ya, dalam biaya hidup di Jakarta 15 juta rupiah, UMP 5 juta rupiah. Apakah kantong aman? Kita lihat slide yang pertama. (I will try to summarize for you, here, the highest and lowest UMP figures for each province and predictions of future inflation. Is the increase of UMP enough to keep up with the cost of living that was just released by BPS? Or is it just barely enough to make ends meet? Let's look at this headline, "The cost of living in Jakarta is 15 million rupiah, whereas the UMP is 5 million rupiah. Is it enough for a living?" Let's look at the first slide.)
[Seuprit] in this clip refers to the labor wage increase that the laborers consider very small.
Vocabulary From the Clip
[Pembawa berita] = news anchor.
[Saya] = I.
[Coba] = try.
[Rangkum] = summarize.
[Ini] = this. For more about this, you can read my article here: Ini, Ni, and Nih In Indonesian.
[UMP] stands for Upah Minimum Provinsi = provincial minimum wage.
[Tertinggi] = the highest.
[Terendah] = the lowest.
[BPS] stands for Badan Pusat Statistik = Statistics Indonesia. BPS is a non-departmental government institute in Indonesia responsible for conducting statistical surveys.
[Buruh] = labor.
[Ngos-ngosan] means to breathe loudly and with difficulty, trying to get more air. Synonym for [ngos-ngosan] is [terengah-engah]. [Ngos-ngosan] in this context refers to the wages that are very small, which makes it difficult to make ends meet for labor.
[Biaya hidup] = cost of living.
[Rp 15 juta] is read [15 juta rupiah], and [Rp 5 juta] is read [5 juta rupiah].
Read also: Naik Daun In Indonesian
This wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
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Hello, I'm Iman Prabawa a.k.a Pak Guru Iman. I love to share about languages. My Instagram, @pakguruiman
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