Lebay Meaning In Indonesian

Muke Gile Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama aye, Iman Prabawa. In this video, I want to talk about the meaning of the Indonesian phrase [muke gile]. As always, we are going to be watching examples from movies, YouTube videos, and also from comics or others where the phrase [muke gile] is spoken by Indonesians.

Muke Gile Meaning In Indonesian

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So, without further ado, let's dive in!

Muke Gile In Indonesian

[Muke gile] is a phrase that is spoken in Jakarta. It is considered a slang term. [Muke] has the same meaning as [muka]. It means face. [Gile] has the same meaning as [gila]. It means crazy.

In Jakarta, Betawi people usually change the letter [a] at the end of the word with the letter [e]. For example, they say [iye] instead of [iya]. They say [ape] instead of [apa]. They say [gile] instead of [gila]. 

[Muke gile] in literal meaning means [crazy face], but, actually, that is not the real meaning of [muke gile]. [Muke gile] is used to show that you are very surprised or very angry.

Example sentences:
1. Muke gile, dah! Masa untuk kerja seharian, loe cuma dibayarnya segitu doang sih? (Holyshit! For a whole day's work, you only get paid for this small amount of money?)
2. Muke gile! Gue sih kalo jadi elo, males banget digituin sama dia. (Damn, man! If I were you, I don't like being treated like that by him.)

How to Pronounce Muke Gile

This is how you pronounce [muke gile] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Moving on, we will look at examples where Indonesians use the phrase [muke gile].

Examples of Muke Gile In Use

The first example we are about to watch is from a TV Serial, Calon Bini, Episode 4 (2011). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.

Zaenal: Muke gile, lo! Jadi, nunggu sampe gigi gue kering, baru lo bayar. Gitu? Iya? Kudu bayar cepet lo, biar gimana. (What the hell, man? You mean, I need to wait until my teeth turn dry, and then you will pay. That's it? You need to pay it as soon as possible, whatever reason.)

Akbar: Yeee, ngambekan sih! Oke deh! Ya udeh. Pertengahan bulan aye lunasin. Ya? (Oh, my God, he is pissed already! Okay! How about I pay you in the middle of the month? Is it okay?)

Zaenal: Kaga boleh! (Nope!)

Akbar: Aaah! Mari dulu, bentar! Dua minggu? (Hey! Come on, listen to me! How about in two weeks?)

Zaenal: Kaga. Kaga bisa! (No. Hell no!)

In this scene, Zaenal is a man who rents houses for people. It is called [rumah kontrakan] in Indonesia, where you rent a house for a place to live, and you can pay it monthly or yearly, and in this scene, it is paid monthly.

Akbar has not paid the rent, and that's why Zaenal came to him to collect the rent. Akbar asks him to give him more time, and he gives his reason. Then Zaenal says,
Muke gile, lo!
By saying this phrase [muke gile], it means that Zaenal is pissed, and he can not accept Akbar's reason.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Lo] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article here, Lo In Indonesian.

[Nunggu] is a common reduction for [menunggu] = to wait.

[Sampe] is the colloquial way of saying [sampai] = until.

[Nunggu sampe gigi gue kering] literally means [to wait until my teeth run dry], but what Zaenal really meant is that he needs to wait until Akbar can pay it, and he doesn't know when it will happen.

[Bayar] = pay.

[Kudu] = [harus] = must.

[Cepet] is informal for [cepat] = fast.

[Ngambekan] means easily pissed. For more about this, you can read my article here, Ngambek In Indonesian.

[Sih] falls into the category of phatic expression. It has no meaning. For more about this, you can read my article here, Sih In Indonesian.

[Aye] = I, and usually used in Jakarta by Betawi people. For more about this, you can read my article here, Aye In Indonesian.

[Lunasin] is informasi for [melunasi]. If you say that you will [melunasi] something, it means that you will pay your debt to that person.

[Kaga] means no. For more about this, you can read my article here, Kaga In Indonesian

[Kaga boleh] = [kaga bisa], used when you don't allow people to do something.

[Mari dulu] is a reduction from [ke mari dulu]. Akbar drops [ke] there. [Ke mari dulu] = [ke sini dulu] = come here first.

[Bentar] is a common reduction for [sebentar] = for a short while.

The second example is taken from the title of a YouTube video by Timnas Magazine. Let's look at the picture below.

Muke Gile Example 01

The title says,
"Muke gile! Cakep nih kiper!" Penyelamatan edan kiper cantik Indonesia vs Timor Leste AFF Women U-19 (Oh my God! This goalkeeper is so good! A fantastic save by a beautiful Indonesian goalkeeper in a soccer match versus Timor Leste AFF Women U-19.)
In this title, [muke gile] is used to show a feeling of surprise.

Vocabulary From the Picture

[Cakep] in this context means amazing. For more about this, you can read my article here, Cakep In Indonesian.

[Nih] is informal for [ini] = this. For more about this, you can read my article here, Nih In Indonesian.

[Kiper] = goalkeeper.

[Penyelamatan] comes from the root word [selamat] and then added an affix there. [Selamat] means congratulations, safe, happy. [Penyelamatan] means rescue, save.

[Edan] = [gila] = crazy.

[Cantik] = beautiful, pretty.

     Read also: Ada Meaning In Indonesian

So, I guess this is all for now. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Buh-bye.
