Lebay Meaning In Indonesian

Jutek Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya. Ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, we are going to talk about the meaning of [jutek] in the Indonesian language. As always, we are also going to watch a clip from an Indonesian movie where this word is spoken.

Jutek Meaning In Indonesian

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So, let's dive in!

Jutek In the Indonesian Language

We usually address cold-hearted, unfriendly, and arrogant people as jutek. In Indonesia, this slang term, which we call [bahasa gaul], is usually used in Jakarta and its surrounding cities.

So, if you have a friend who is unfriendly, cold-hearted, and doesn't like to talk much to other people, you can say they are a jutek person.

Actually, jutek is the synonym for the word [judes] in Indonesian.

How to Pronounce Jutek

Here is how you pronounce [jutek] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, I'll give you 3 example sentences using the word jutek.

Example Sentences Using Jutek

Here are 3 example sentences using the word jutek.

Contoh Kalimat (Example Sentences)

English Translation

1. Gue males deh ngomong sama dia. Orangnya jutek banget!

1. I don't want to talk to her. She's so unfriendly!

2. Punya muka jutek itu serba salah. Diam disangka marah, ngomong dibilangnya ketus, banyak senyum dianggap cari perhatian.

2. Having a resting bitch face is uncomfortable. When I'm quiet, people think that I'm angry. When I speak, people say that I'm snarky. When I smile, people think I'm looking for other people's attention.

3. Si Rina emang terkenal jutek ke orang yang belum dia kenal, tapi kalau udah kenal, asli orangnya baik banget.

3. Rina is known for her unfriendliness to a person she doesn't know. But if you have known her already, she is a lovely person.

Below is the audio version so you will know how to pronounce those sentences.

Next, we will watch a clip that I took from an Indonesian movie, where the word jutek is spoken.

Examples of Jutek In Use

In this section, I will gather scenes from movies where the word [jutek] is used to better understand the meaning and how Indonesian people use the word. 

The first scene is taken from an FTV movie program in Indonesia, Bos Jutek Vs. OB Kece. Let's watch the clip down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Bos Cynthia: Ya udah. Kamu dengar ya! Mulai sekarang, kamu harus panggil saya bos. Dan jangan pernah sekali lagi kamu masuk ke toilet pribadi saya. Kecuali cuman buat bersihin. Ngerti kamu? (Alright, then. You listen! From now on, you have to call me, boss. And never to enter my private bathroom ever again. Except if I order you to clean it. Do you understand?)

Udin: Siap salah, bos! (Ready for the mistake, boss!)

Bos Cynthia: Ngga ada yang boleh salah di kantor saya. (Nobody is allowed to make mistakes in my office.)

Siska: Udin, kamu harus tahan ya. Kalau misalnya bos itu jutek sama galak. (Udin, you need to toughen up when the boss cold-hearted you and angry at you.)

Udin: Iya. Cuma saya bingung deh. Itu bos makannya apa ya? Kok bisa galak gitu? (Okay. I'm just a little bit confused. What kind of food did she use to eat to make her fierce like that?)

Siska: Makan cabe, kali? (She ate chilly, maybe?)

Cynthia is the boss in that office, and she is known as a cold-hearted and unfriendly person. That's why her secretary called her jutek.

Next, let's learn the words that are used in the scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Ya udah] is usually used when you want to end a conversation. You can read my article, Ya Udah In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Kamu dengar ya!] is used when you want somebody to listen to what you say.

[Sekarang] = now.

[Mulai sekarang] = from now on.

[Panggil] = call.

[Saya] = I.

[Jangan pernah] = never ever.

[Masuk] = enter.

[Kecuali] = except.

[Cuman] is the casual way of saying [cuma] = only. In daily conversations, many Indonesian people add [n] to the word [cuma] when they speak. You can see in the scene Cynthia uses [cuman] while Udin uses [cuma]. So, you can choose whether to use [cuma] or [cuman], but [cuman] is usually used in a more casual conversation. 

[Bersihin] is the casual way of saying [membersihkan] = to clean something. Once again, in daily conversation, many Indonesian people tend to use [bersihin] than [membersihkan]. [Membersihkan] is the formal form of [bersihin].

[Ngerti] is the casual way of saying [mengerti]. In daily conversation, many Indonesian people drop letters or syllables, like in this example, she dropped the [me] syllable and turned it to just [ngerti]. [Mengerti] is the formal form. [Ngerti] = [mengerti] = understand.

[Kantor] = office.

[Tahan] = bear, withstand. 

[Bingung] = confused.

[Deh] is a phatique expression. It doesn't have any specific meaning. It just adds emotion to the sentence.

The second clip is taken from Vindes' YouTube Channel. It is a talk show between Vincent, Desta, and their guest, Wulan Guritno, a prominent Indonesian actress. 

Let's watch the scene below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Vincent: Gue rada.. bukan dibilang star-struck sih tapi lebih ke segen banget gitu. Ngelihat loe.. Haduh. (I'm more like.. Not that I have star-struck to you, but more of like I have big respect for you. Looking at you is like.. Oh, my God..)

Desta: Iya, bener! (Yeah, right!)

Wulan Guritno: Karena gue jutek? (Because I have a resting bitch face?)

Vincent: Iya, loe kan jutek. (Yeah! You have such a resting bitch face.)

Desta: Iya, bener. (Yeah, he’s right.)

Vincent: First impression ama orang tu loe kaya rada snob. (People, when first look at you, will think that you are a snob person.)

Wulan Guritno: Loe ngga boleh gitu. Don't judge its book by its cover. (No, you can't be like that. Don't judge its book by its cover.)

Vincent: Ya, tapi kan.. Iya. (Yeah, but.. Yeah.)

Wulan Guritno: Ini ciptaan Tuhan emang rahangnya tajem-tajem. Jadi, kalo orang ngga kenal gue tuh.. Kan rahang tajem-tajem. Jadi.. Nih, kalo.. kalo gue diem. (This God's creation has a jaw that has a sharp look. So, if a person doesn't know me well.. because I have a sharp jaw.. Here.. If I just stay quiet like this.)

Vincent: He'eh. Iya kan, tuh? (Yup. I was right, huh?)

Desta: Iya. Judes! (Yeah. You look arrogant.)

Vincent: He'eh. Keknya orang mo.. (Yeah. It's like people want to..)

Wulan Guritno: Tapi kan, loe ngga tahu kalo hati gue.. Padahal lagi.. (But, you don't know my heart. If actually inside my heart, I'm feeling like this..

Desta: Oh, bae banget. (Yeah, you're a very nice person.)

Wulan Guritno: Lagi gini, "Duh, Desta!" (I'm feeling like this inside my heart, "Wow! Desta is so hot!")

Desta: Aduuuhh! (Oh my God!)

Wulan Guritno: Kan? (Right?)

In this scene, they talk about [muka jutek] that Wulan Guritno has. [Muka jutek] is a face that looks unfriendly and arrogant. Let's learn vocabulary from this short clip.

Vocabulary From The Clip

[Gue] is the informal way of saying [saya]. It is used extensively in Jakarta and its surrounding cities. You can read my article, Gue Meaning In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Rada] = [agak] = slightly, somewhat.

[Segen] is the casual way of saying [segan]. When you are [segan] with someone, it means you have big respect for that person.

[Banget] = [sekali]. In daily conversation, Indonesian people use [banget] a lot rather than [sekali]. Enak banget = enak sekali = very delicious.

[Ngelihat] = [ngeliat] is the casual way of saying [melihat] = to see, to look at something. Indonesian people use this [nge] thing a lot in their daily conversation. For example, instead of saying [melakukan], Indonesian people say [ngelakuin], or instead of saying [membohongi], Indonesian people say [ngebohongin].

[Haduh] is usually used to express your emotion when you see something bad and unexpected or amazed because of something when you're hurt.

[Karena gue jutek] <--- Actually, in this case, Wulan Guritno was saying about her facial appearance that looks like she's an arrogant person. She should say, "Karena muka gue jutek?" instead of that sentence, but because her listener already understood, then it's okay to drop the word [muka] in her sentence.

[Ama] = [sama] = with. It's common for Indonesian people to drop letters when talking in a daily conversation, like in this example.

[Tu] = [itu] = that. Vincent dropped the letter [i] in this case.

[Emang] = [memang] = surely, something that is certain.

[Tajem] is the casual way of saying [tajam] = sharp. Wulan repeats this word to make it plural.

[Kalo] is the casual way of saying [kalau] = if.

[He'eh] means yes, or when you agree with what someone says. You can read my article, He'eh In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Bae] is the casual way of saying [baik] = good, nice.

[Kek] is the casual way of saying [kaya], which in this case means more like something.

[Duh] here is used to show an expression of excitement when Wulan sees Desta. In this case, it's like [wow] in English.

     Read also: Cek Ombak Meaning In Bahasa

So, I think that's all for now. If you have any questions regarding this topic, you can ask in the comment section, and I'll be happy to answer them. Thank you, and bye-bye.
