Lebay Meaning In Indonesian

Baper In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [baper] in Indonesian. As always, we are going to be watching examples from movies, YouTube videos, and whatnot where Indonesians use the word [baper] so you can understand it better.

Baper In Bahasa Indonesia

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So, let's jump right in.

Baper In Bahasa Indonesia

[Baper] is an acronym for [BAwa PERasaan]. [Bawa] means to bring, and [perasaan] means feeling. So, if translated word for word, [baper] implies that you bring your feeling. 

[Baper] means you get emotional or show strong emotion, and sometimes you overreact because of that.

Example sentences:
  1. Aku gampang baper kalo nonton film yang sedih-sedih. (I'm easily moved to tears when watching sad movies.)
  2. Dia mah orangnya baperan. Gampang kesinggung orangnya. (She is a very sensitive person. You need to watch your language. Otherwise, she'll be mad at you.)
  3. Jiah, dia baper! Padahal omongan gue barusan itu bukan ke dia, eh malah dia yang tersinggung. (Oh my God, she's so sensitive. What I just said actually was not about her, but she is the one who gets angry.)
  4. Jangan baperan deh jadi orang! Ntar orang malas berteman sama loe. (Don't be such a temperamental person! People will not want to be friends with you!)
  5. Kok loe jadi baper gitu sih? Gue ngga bermaksud ngingetin loe sama dia lho. (Why are you being emotional like this? I didn't mean to make you remember him again.) (Note: being emotional here is in the sense of being sad.)
  6. Kedekatan dan romansa pasangan ini membuat orang-orang jadi pada baper. (The closeness and the romance that this couple had made many people jealous.)
  7. 4 film ini dijamin akan membuat kalian baperan deh! (These four movies, I guarantee, will make you sob like a sucker.) 
Next, let's hear how to pronounce the word [baper].

How to Pronounce Baper

Let's hear how to pronounce [baper] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, let's watch example scenes from movies where the word [baper] is spoken by Indonesians.

Examples of Baper in Use

The first example is taken from a movie called Pacar Jago Dagang (2017). Let's watch the clip below.

In the clip, Maudy says this:
Lagian, baru putus, baper.

You can watch all the clips on my Buy Me a Coffee post without the black screen. I also provided the captions in Indonesian with English translations and vocabulary explanations so you could better understand what happens in the clip. I explain this on my About Me page. 

The second example is taken from a TV Program called Opera Van Java. Let's watch the clip.

Conversations that happened in that clip with English translation are as follows.

Najwa Shihab: Tolong dibuktikan kelihaian Anda! (Show me your sweet-talking skills!) 

Denny Cagur: Sama? (To who?)

Najwa Shihab: Anda berani tidak merayu saya? (Do you have the courage to sweet-talk me?)

Parto: Den.. Ayo, Den! (Come on, Den!)

Denny Cagur: Tim Kreatif, bisa ngga gue ngga usah gombalin mba Najwa? Takutnya gue baper, pake perasaan. (Creative team, may I please not to sweet-talk to Najwa? I'm afraid that I'll get caught up in love, involving my feeling into this.)

Najwa Shihab: Jago emang dia. Jago ya? (He's so good. Isn't he?)

In this scene, Denny Cagur is known as a man of sweet-talking. Najwa Shihab challenged him to sweet-talk her. But Denny said that he was too afraid that he'd involve his heart in this because she is Najwa Shihab. That's why he said this,
Takutnya gue baper.
It means he was afraid he'd involve his feelings in this sweet-talking thing and fell in love with Najwa Shihab. This is taken from a comedy show, so Denny says this is to make people laugh and not really mean it.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Tolong] is used when you ask someone to do something politely.

[Dibuktikan] comes from the base word [bukti], and you add di-kan to it, and it means to prove (about something).

[Sama] here means [kepada siapa] in formal Indonesian = to who.

[Gombalin] is the conversational way of saying [menggombali] = to sweet-talk (someone). For more about [gombal], read my article, Gombal Meaning In Indonesian.

[Takut] = afraid.

[Pake] is informal for [pakai] = use.

[Emang] is short for [memang] = indeed.

[Jago] is when you are skillful at something.

The third example is taken from Najwa Shihab and Nicole Zefanya's conversation on Najwa Shihab's YouTube channel. Let's watch the clip down below.

The conversation between Niki and Najwa, with English translations, is as follows.

Niki: Iya. Itu single ketiga dari album Niki yang mau nanti dikeluarinnya September. It's called Moon Child. Iya, aku ada feeling sih kayanya Indonesia bakalan suka lagu ini karena biasanya orang Indonesia tuh sukanya yang baper. Yang bisa galau, gitu. (Yeah, that's my third single from my album, which will be released in September. It's called Moon Child. I had a feeling that Indonesian people would like this song because, as far as I know, most Indonesian people love sentimental things. Things that could make them get caught in an emotional moment.)

Najwa Shihab: Kamu tahu banget! Tahu banget deh! (You know it so well! Yeah, you know Indonesian people really well!)

Niki: Ya, kan? (Am I right?)

Here, Niki used the word [baper] in the sense of things that could make people get caught in an emotional feeling. Niki said that Indonesian people love songs that could get them caught in an emotional feeling. This is the meaning of baper in this context.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Dikeluarin] is the conversational way of saying [dikeluarkan] = will be released. The base word for this is [keluar], and then you add the prefix and suffix di-in, and it becomes [dikeluarin]. [Dikeluarin] is passive, and Bahasa Indonesia is big on passive voice. [Dikeluarin] is informal, and [dikeluarkan] is formal.

[Bakalan] = [akan] = will.

[Galau] is a condition when you feel sad, confused, overwhelmed, and uneasy, all mixed together.

[Banget] means very. For more about this, you can read my article here, Banget In Indonesian.

The fourth example is from a post that I saw on Facebook. Let's see the screenshot below where the word [baper] is used.

Baper Example 01

The sentence in which the word [baper] is found is in this sentence.
Video ini pun juga membuat baper warganet. (This video moved the Indonesian netizens.)
This is a post about a man who proposes to his partner. He comes far away from Indonesia to Japan to do this. He gives a ring, proposes to his partner in Tokyo Disneyland, and makes a video about it. And then, Indonesian netizens who watch the video get emotional, in the sense that they adore what the man has done by coming far away from Indonesia to give a ring and propose to his partner.

     Read also: Curhat Meaning In Indonesian

So, that's all for now. If I find another real example where the word [baper] is used, Insha Allah, I will update this again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
