Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Angkat Kaki Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Today, we're gonna learn the meaning of a phrase in Bahasa Indonesia. The phrase is angkat kaki. We're also going to watch a scene that I took from an Indonesian movie where this phrase is spoken.

Angkat Kaki Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's jump right in.

Angkat Kaki In Bahasa Indonesia

We're going to first see the meaning word for word then we're going to see the real meaning of this phrase. Because the meaning is very different if you translate this phrase word for word then the real meaning of this phrase.

Angkat in English is to lift up, kaki is foot. So, angkat kaki if translated word for word the translation is.
To lift up the foot.
Now, let's see the real meaning of this phrase. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, the meaning of angkat kaki is as follows.

Angkat Kaki Meaning

There are 2 meanings for this phrase. I will translate the meaning into English. Angkat kaki means:
  1. To leave a place.
  2. To escape or to run away.
So, that is the meaning of angkat kaki.

How to Pronounce Angkat Kaki

Let's hear down below how to pronounce angkat kaki.

Next, let's watch a scene where this phrase is spoken.

Angkat Kaki In a Movie Scene

Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Mam: Oke. Oke. (Okay. Okay.) 
Boris: Tante. (Hi, mam.) 
Mam: Kali ini saya memaklumi kekeliruan kalian sebagai penghuni baru di sini. Tapi sekali lagi ini terjadi. Apa pun alasannya. Kalian angkat kaki dari sini. (This time I can tolerate your mistake because you guys are still new in here. But once again you did something like this. Whatever the reason. You need to get out from here.)

These two guys in that scene rented rooms in that place. A place that rented room for a month in Bahasa Indonesia we call it kosan. There is a rule that they are not allowed to go to the second floor because the second floor is for women.

But Boris didn't care about the rule and he snuck to the second floor but the woman in the scene is the woman who owns that place. And she caught him sneaking to the second floor and then she warned them not to it again.

If they did it again then she said this sentence.
Kalian angkat kaki dari sini.
So, if once again she caught them doing things like that then they need to get out of her place.

Example Sentence Using Angkat Kaki

Next, I'm gonna give you 3 example sentences using this phrase. The first example sentence is.
Saya rasa kalian perlu untuk segera angkat kaki dari sini atau saya laporkan kalian ke polisi.
The English translation for this is.
You need to get out of here as soon as possible or I will call the cop.

The second example sentence is.
Kamu menginjak kaki saya, tolong angkat kakimu dari kaki saya.
In this sentence, the meaning is the word for word meaning like the one that I have explained above. So, the English translation for this sentence is.
You stepped on my foot, please lift your foot from mine.
So, you can use this phrase in two ways. In the real meaning word for word like in this example, or the meaning as one phrase that is to get out from a place.

The third example sentence is.
Lebih baik saya segera angkat kaki dari sini daripada nanti saya malah bermasalah.
The English translation for this sentence is.
I better get out of this place as soon as possible so that I don't get into trouble.
So, I think this is a wrap. If you have any questions regarding this topic, just write down in the comment section below. Thank you very much and I'll talk to you soon. Bubye now.

Update #1 (September 23, 2019)
I just found another scene from another movie where this phrase is spoken. This is from DOA: Cari Jodoh. Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation in that scene with English translation is as follows.
Man: Inget kata-kata saya tadi! Sekarang, angkat kaki. Pergi! Itu pintu keluarnya. (Just remember what I've just said to you! Now, take your leave! Go away from here! There is the exit.)
So, that's all for the update. Thank you and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
