Lebay Meaning In Indonesian

Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya. Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of [PHP] in bahasa Indonesia, and as always, we are going to be watching examples from movies, YouTube videos, and others where [PHP] is used by Indonesians so you can understand how to use it better.

Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So, let's get started!

PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

PHP is an abbreviation for Pemberi Harapan Palsu. Sometimes, it is written as [pehape].

PHP or Pemberi Harapan Palsu is when you give false hope to someone. For example, if you're a man and you're being nice to a woman, and the woman feels like the man is attracted to her, but in fact, the man was just trying to be nice to her. And we can call the man PHP or the one who gives false hope to the woman.

Example Sentences

  1. Ah, loe mah emang tukang PHP-in orang deh! Kasihan tahu, anak orang jadi berharap gitu sama loe! (Ah, you always give false hope to people! This is so not good! She will have high hopes for you, dude!)
  2. Kalian pernah dipehapein sama orang, ngga? (Have you ever been given false hope by someone?)
  3. Kamu jangan terlalu baik sama dia, nanti dia ngerasa dipehapein sama kamu, padahal kamu itu sebenarnya ngga ada perasaan sama dia. Kamu kan cuma ingin bersikap baik aja kan sama dia? Kamu ngga suka sama dia, kan? (You don't have to be too nice to her; otherwise, she will think that you're in love with her, but in fact, you don't have any feelings for her. You just want to be nice to her, right? You don't love her, do you?)

How to Pronounce PHP

Here is how you pronounce [PHP] or [pehape] in bahasa Indonesia.

If you see it written as [pehape], then it means the same thing as [PHP]. It is just a variation in writing.

Examples of PHP In Use

In this section, I gathered examples from movies, YouTube videos, and others where Indonesians use the word [PHP] or [pehape] so you can better understand how to use it.

The first example we are about to watch is from Tetangga Masa Gitu, Season 3, Episode 224 - Calon Ayah (2022). Let's watch the clip below.

In this clip, Adi offers to buy his wife grapes, even though he is still looking for a job.

That's why Angel then says this:
Kamu jangan PHP, deh!

You can watch this article's example clips without the black screen HEREI also provided English translations and vocabulary explanations so you could understand what happens in the clip. 

The second example is from Mimpi Metropolitan (2018). Let's watch the clip below.

In this clip, Topan comes and says that he has the nicest food ever, and then he offers them the food. But because Prima and Alan already know his behavior, they know that what is inside is not that good; Prima and Alan refuse the food, but Bambang accepts it.

Prima says to Bambang:
Ati-ati, Mbang. Nanti isinya ngga sesuai ekspektasi.
This means that what's inside the box could not be what Bambang expected. And Prima was right. That's why then he says this:
Pehape loe, Pan!
It means that Topan is giving false hope to Bambang.
     Read Also: Gokil Meaning In Indonesian

So, that's gonna be it for today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. If you want to know more, you can visit my Buy Me a Coffee page and support me there. Thank you very much.
